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2020 Shows have been canceled in wake of Coronavirus pandemic

Covid-Safe Venue Guide Information


Encouraging news from the Premier Family of companies survey, 84% want to go to church as soon as it is safe and 68% will attend a Christian Event within 4 months of a re-opening of venues. As of September, venues are beginning to re-open with restrictions on capacity.


Here is what you can expect at a GML concert based on current conditions-02/17/2021.


*Covid-19 has created some unique and significant changes to our normal life style. Almost all gospel artists have been off the road and unemployed for at least six months or more (March -August 2020). We can't wait for the opportunity to gather again for much needed spiritual uplifting through music. 


Oviously, the health and safety of our patrons is our top priority. After much prayer and consideration. we have decided to cancel all of our 2020 shows. However, below are the guidelines we have established for your safety when we relaunch in the spring of 2021.


Tickets & Seating:

Our plan is to have in place "social distancing" capabilities for the first half of year and then go back to normal seating for the second half.  However, as you know everything is subject to change as new reports come out by our Governor. After a conference with our ticketing source (iTickets) we have come to the conclusion that we need to have all general admission tickets for 2021. The first five rows in the middle two sections will be considered "Artist Circle" seating (reserved by section , not seat). This will allow for adjustments to be made for social distancing if needed. Since we will have reduced seating, it is important to get your tickets early and avoid being left out. Because of reduced seating due to social distancing guidelines ticket prices had to be increased slightly.


Important note about calling: 

Customers can email if you have specific questions.

Please leave your interested Event Name, Event Date, Event Location and Phone Number and i-ticket's customer care team will call you back to help with your order. Additional fees will apply to talk in person.

Save money by ordering online:

If you wish to talk to a person the number is 800-965-9324.


Balcony Seating:

Balcony will be open for anyone who wishes to social distance more than what is possible on the main floor.  Balcony seating is general admission also, so try to keep several seats between your party and the next if you desire.


GML & VIP team staff/ushers: will be waring masks and we will not be handing out any materials.  You are welcome to fill out cards to be placed on mailing list if you are not already. Please, only those who are not on mailing list, fill out registration cards at the Hub counter in the lobby.


Venue cleaning:

The church staff have taken extra precautions sanitizing door handles, seats and public surfaces throughout the facility. We would ask you to promote the practice of everyday preventative measures such as-

  • Frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • Hand Sanitizer will be stationed at the Hub counter and other key locatiions

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow

  • Stay home when sick or think you might be getting sick

  • Wearing of face mask is recommeded when not in your seat, but not required.

  • During an event, if someone becomes sick, please see an usher immediately to be escourted to an isolated room (temperature check will be required) and we would then ask that you leave for everyone's safety.

  • Regretfully we will not be hand shaking or hugging anyone.  Artists may or may not be coming to product table, however, you may purchase products before and after the show following social distancing line. If you do not plan on purchasing products we would respectfully ask you not to congregate and leave the building in an orderly fashion as quickly as possible.

  • Intermission will be suspended.  The show will take place in its entirerty.  Snacks usually available at intermission will not be available at this time.  Water fountains will be off limits to minimize touch points. Bottled water will be available at the Hub when you come in.

  • Please note with all of the above information, these are only guidelines and can be easily changed as things improve and restrictions are lifted.  We do not think that it will be necessary for the entire year and hope things get back to normal soon.

I would emphasize that the artists and Gospel Music Live concerts need your support more than ever to keep the Wooster concert series alive. 

*Statement of Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Related to Coronavirus/COVID-19

COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. Although we have taken every pre-cautionary measure for your safety, by attending a Gospel Music Live event, you voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 either at the venue or during the  concert event. You agree to assume all the risks of attendance and participation for you and your family, and you waive any liability against the church, GML concerts and any other parties.


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